SEAL News: March 23, 2012 – SEAL XIII Conference Update and Announcements
SEAL XIII at Emory Law School, co-sponsored by Mercer Law School, is fast approaching! I look forward to seeing many of you in Atlanta on April 20-21. A few brief reminders and news items:
- Abstracts are now posted at; the program is in progress and will be posted shortly.
- Registration fees rise from $175 to $250 after March 30th. Information is here:
- Hotel and travel information are here: Note that the reserved blocks and special rates are available only until March 28.
- The conference runs from Friday morning, April 20, through Saturday evening, April 21. There will be an informal dinner on Thursday for those who arrive early. I am also trying to plan a special surprise “field trip” for Saturday before dinner.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions.