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RIPS Small Grants for Experimental Research

The Research on Individuals, Politics & Society (RIPS) Lab announces a call for Small Grants for Experimental Research.  These small grants ($1K - $2K) are designed to fund initial data collections for Vanderbilt University students and faculty.  There are two grants: Faculty-Student Collaborative Grants and Graduate Student Pilot Grants.  Grants are intended to be used for subject fees or other associated costs of data collection.

Faculty-Student Collaborative Grants

Proposals must be a joint research proposal by undergraduate/graduate student(s) and faculty member(s).  It is expected that the faculty member(s) will contribute matching funds to the project and work in active collaboration with the student(s).  Proposals must include the following sections:
1. The rationale for the project and its contribution to the literature
2. The research question and specific hypotheses to be tested
3. A description of the experimental stimulus
4. A description of the analytical strategy (Method of data analysis; dependent variable; independent variable(s); specific links between hypotheses and analysis to be conducted)
5. Budget, including faculty member’s proposed matching funds
6. Timeline for the project

Proposals are limited to three pages of text (single spaced and 12 point font) plus references. 

Within six months of receiving the award, the team must submit a one page report on the results of the award.

Graduate Student Pilot Grants

Proposals must be aimed at collecting data for prospectus/dissertation-related work.  It is expected that graduate students will use the data as a foundation for seeking external funding (from NSF, TESS, etc.)  Proposals must include the following sections:
1. The rationale for the project and its contribution to the literature
2. The research question and specific hypotheses to be tested
3. A description of the experimental stimulus
4. A description of the analytical strategy (Method of data analysis; dependent variable; independent variable(s); specific links between hypotheses and analysis to be conducted)
5. Budget
6. Plan and timeline for the project and for seeking external funding
7. Name of a faculty sponsor who agrees to actively supervise all aspects of the experiment

Proposals are limited to three pages of text (single spaced and 12 point font) plus references. 

Within six months of receiving the award, the graduate student must submit a one page report on the results of the award.

Submission and Review

Proposals should be emailed to Cindy Kam and will be reviewed by RIPS Faculty Affiliates.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.