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Which IRB will review my research during the soft launch starting March 3rd?
See descriptions of the flowchart categories. VU PIs submitting to the VUMC IRB must include the HRPP Determination with their study material.
Phased Transition
First Phase: Soft Launch (March 3)
New expedited, standard (greater-than-minimal-risk) and international SBER studies involving human participants will be submitted to the VU SBER IRB.
BRANY approved international studies will transition to the VU SBER IRB at natural review or reevaluation points, such as annual continuing reviews.
Biomedical and clinical studies, along with modifications and continuing reviews of active studies, will continue to be submitted to the VUMC IRB.
Next Phase: Full Launch (Mid-2025)
New exempt, expedited, and standard SBER studies will be submitted to the VU SBER IRB. BRANY approved studies will transition to the VU SBER IRB at natural review or reevaluation points, such as annual continuing reviews.
Biomedical and clinical studies remain under the VUMC IRB, along with ongoing modifications and reviews of studies previously approved by VUMC IRB.
Final Phase: Transition Active Studies
All active, ongoing SBER studies already approved by the VUMC IRB or BRANY will transition to the VU SBER IRB at natural review or reevaluation points, such as annual continuing reviews.
Biomedical and clinical studies remain under the VUMC IRB
This phase completes the transition and establishes the VU SBER IRB as the primary body for all social, behavioral, and educational research studies.