News & Events

Through expert guest speakers, conferences, seminars, workshops, and other events, we collect and share information and research related in health inequities that advance understanding of the field. All in the Vanderbilt community are invited to participate in our events.

Seminar Series on Inequality and Health

The Center supports a rich seminar series that showcases the latest and most impactful scholarship on health-related inequalities. World leading scholars from sociology, demography, economics, health services research, and nursing come to Nashville for a day of meetings with center faculty and student researchers.

The highlight of each visit is a public lecture with active audience Q&A and discussion. Past speakers have addressed topics such as: intimate partner violence and pregnancy coercion, the role of immigration policy in shaping health inequities, and racial/ethnic differences in mental illness labelling.

Our seminar series has supported scholar visits from institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, University of California San Francisco, University of Chicago, University of Texas Austin, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, University of Maryland, University of California Irvine, and Georgia Tech. 

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Grant Writing Workshops

Join us for our regular professional development workshops focused on writing strong grant proposals. Topics include research development and support services, the lifecycle of an NIH grant, workshopping specific aims, and more.

Upcoming Workshops

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News & Updates

CRIH affiliate James Muchira honored to be selected for the 2024 NINR Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Summer Research Institute.

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