Philip Ko


Associate Director, Research Development

Phil joined the Research Development and Support team in April 2022. He maps Vanderbilt University’s research strengths to federal and foundation funding opportunities and assists faculty in developing submission teams and preparing grant proposals.

Before joining the RDS team, Phil was a Science Officer for the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs within the Department of Defense. He also worked in science communication and analytics for the National Science Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Phil brings research and grant preparation experience from his time at Yale University, the VA Boston Healthcare System, and Vanderbilt University.

Phil received his BA in Psychology from Amherst College, his PhD in Psychology from Vanderbilt University, and was an NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He has served as faculty at Vanderbilt University and Austin Peay State University, and was a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow in the Executive Branch of the federal government.

Contact Phil at or call (615) 343-0023.