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Pastoral and Community Care

Providing meaningful personal connection is an important part of Religious Life at Vanderbilt.  Religious Life staff and affiliates are trained to provide spiritual and emotional support to individuals of all religious, spiritual, and secular viewpoints, and can make appropriate referrals for longer-term counseling support.  Through GriefNet, a support group led by a certified grief support specialist, Religious Life provides supportive care to any member of the Vanderbilt community who is suffering loss.  Finally, Religious Life also calls the community together for ritual moments that mark our shared life on campus.

Pastoral Care


A support program for students experiencing death or other loss

GriefNet is a support program for Vanderbilt community members who are experiencing death or other loss.  Grief can come from the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or any other loss.  And grief can be experienced in the immediate aftermath of loss, a year later, or any time in between—there are no time limits on grief or GriefNet.  The GriefNet support group will provide a safe, non‐judgmental atmosphere for exploration, nurture, and growth.  Addressing grief is not about “getting over it” but rather integrating loss into living.

GriefNet is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Vanderbilt University. There is no charge to participate.  Participants are never required to share or participate in any particular group activity but are invited to share when it feels right. Finally, while members will be encouraged to leverage any personal religious or spiritual resources to assist with their grief process we want to make it clear that this support network, although sponsored by the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life, neither assumes participants are a part of any faith tradition nor will it advocate for any particular beliefs or practices.

Please email for more information on meeting times or to sign up.

If you need to speak with someone regarding your grief, please contact the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life at 615-322-2457.

Grief Net support is also available for faculty and staff.

Who can attend?

GriefNet is open to all undergraduate, graduate and professional students currently enrolled at Vanderbilt University. There is no charge to participate. Grief Net support is also available (separately from students) for faculty and staff.

You may have suffered a recent loss or are still dealing with the effects of a death from long ago. There are no time limits on grief or for GriefNet.

Please email for more information on meeting times or to sign up.

If you would like to speak with someone regarding your grief, please contact the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life at 322-2457.

 Center for Spiritual and Religious Life
401 24th Ave South (behind Branscomb residence hall)

CSRL Grief Groups are facilitated by a Certified Grief Support Specialist/ Certified Grief Educator

Fall Semester 2024: Monday 5 PM- 5:50 PM in the CSRL Conference Room (second-floor)

Sept 16, 23, 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18
December 2

Spring Semester 2025: Monday 5 PM- 5:50 PM in the CSRL Conference Room (second-floor)

January 6, 13, 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24
March 3, 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14

Please email with questions or to sign up.

One-on-one grief appointments are also available at CSRL at times that work for you.

Grief Net: Suicide Survivors’ Group

This group will meet in the spring semester of 2024 (day/time tba) at the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life (401 24th Ave. S.). This is a safe, non-judgmental, confidential and gentle space. No religious/spiritual beliefs/practices assumed, required or advocated. Your loss may have been that of an immediate family member, friend, classmate or an acquaintance; it may have been recent or years ago. Questions? Email Harold Ivan Smith states, “I believe that the hardest psychological and spiritual work humans do is surviving a suicide.” You are not alone. Come and meet people who love you and are here for you.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

If faith is a resource for you, these campus prayer spaces may be helpful:

  • Prayer Spaces
    • All Faith Chapel, 411 21st Ave. S. (below Benton Chapel, next to Main Library)
    • Benton Chapel, 411 21st Ave. S. (next to the Main Library)
    • The Commons Center, Room 215, 8 AM – Noon (near the corner of 18th and Horton)
    • Hillel Center, 2421 Vanderbilt Pl.
    • The Prayer Space (“Annex” at 401 24th Ave. S., behind OUCRL)
    • Rohr Chabad House, 11 23rd Avenue North
    • Sarratt Center, Room 110, 8 AM – 5 PM
    • St. Augustine’s Chapel, 200 24th Ave. S.
    • Stevenson Center, Room 6721, 8 AM – 5 PM
    • The Student Engagement Space, 2420 Vanderbilt Pl.


     Other Resources:
   National Suicide Prevention Lifeline     Call 988
       Local Crisis Hotline (24 hours a day): 615-244-7444
       National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-(800) 273-8255
National Domestic Violence Hotline-(800) 799-7233
Family Violence Helpline-(800) 996-6228
National Hopeline Network-(800) 784-2433
Self-Harm Hotline–(800) 366-8288
Planned Parenthood Hotline-(800) 230-7526
American Association of Poison Control Centers–(800) 222-1222
Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line–(800) 622-2255
National Crisis Line, Anorexia and Bulimia–(800) 233-4357
GLBT Hotline–(888) 843-4564
TREVOR Crisis Hotline–(866) 488-7386
AIDS Crisis Line–(800) 221-7044


Community Care and Gathering

Campus Office Hours


The materials on this page are here to provide helpful information and guidance. We do not endorse any information or materials from external parties.