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Programs and Events

The Office of Religious Life offers regular and occasional programs planned and sponsored by our staff, affiliate chaplains, student leaders, and campus partners.

Religious and Spiritual Life Groups

Religious and spiritual life at Vanderbilt is a vibrant community of communities.  Campus groups representing diverse religious, spiritual, and secular perspectives create opportunities for you to grow in your own tradition, to explore about different traditions or the life of faith in general, and to learn from the wisdom of other traditions.

Interfaith Engagement and Reflection

Most programming led by Religious Life staff involves conversation and reflection that integrate intellectual, social, and spiritual aspects of life on campus.  Project Dialogue is a series of events that promote non-sectarian reflection on identity, community, and purpose through engagement across lines of difference. The Vanderbilt Interfaith Council and the Interfaith Fellowships are dedicated to learning about and from different religious, spiritual, and secular perspectives, wisdom traditions, and worldviews.  Affiliate and staff chaplains gather regularly as the Vanderbilt Religious Ministers Association for professional development, as well as coordination of efforts to provide spiritual and emotional support and care to the Vanderbilt community.

Ethical Action


Pastoral Care and Community Gathering

Providing meaningful personal connection is an important part of Religious Life at Vanderbilt.  Religious Life staff and affiliates are trained to provide spiritual and emotional support to individuals of all religious, spiritual, and secular viewpoints, and can make appropriate referrals for longer-term counseling support.  Through GriefNet, a support group led by a certified grief support specialist, Religious Life provides supportive care to any member of the Vanderbilt community who is suffering loss.  Finally, Religious Life also calls the community together for ritual moments that mark our shared life on campus.

Legacy Programs

Holocaust Lecture Series

Chaplain’s Speaker Series

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance