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Love Free or Die

Posted by on Friday, September 12, 2014 in News.

Documentary showing of “Love Free or Die”

Sunday, September 21, 2014, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Reception immediately following at the St. Augustine’s.

Join Project Dialogue and Canterbury Circle for a showing of the documentary, “Love Free or Die,” the story of Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church.  You may read more about this documentary here.  Those at St. Augustine’s have a special connection to the election of this man to Bishop, as our own dear Rev. Becca Stevens both spoke in favor of his election at the National Convention and voted to name him Bishop.  Come learn about his story- it’s powerful.

There will be a follow up discussion hosted by Project Dialogue at St. Augustine’s the following Wednesday, September 24th at 7pm. We will share some food, and discuss the topics and themes in the film, as well as discuss the current state of affairs in religious life.