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HLS Presents Kindertransport Exhibit

Posted by on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 in newsletter.

The 43rd Annual Holocaust Lecture Series, on the theme “Children in the Holocaust,” offers Holocaust Museum LA’s exhibit Childhood Left at the Station: A Tribute to the Children of the Kindertransport.  This exhibit highlights five of the 10,000 children (kinder) who had to leave their families, friends, and homes in search of safety during a time of impending danger.  These courageous children, ranging in age from five to 17, left their homes in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Danzig for family, foster homes, and strangers in the U.K. and Switzerland. The exhibit’s vivid personal narratives weave together a story of tragedy, resilience, and kindness.  Childhood Left at the Station will be on display in the Sarratt Gallery during the months of March and April.