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Holocaust Lecture Series Keynote: “Where Memory Leads” w/ Saul Friedlander (9/26/17)

Posted by on Monday, September 11, 2017 in Holocaust Lecture Series, UPCOMING EVENT.

September 26th at 7 p.m.

Flynn Auditorium, Vanderbilt Law School

For the keynote presentation of the 40th anniversary of the Vanderbilt University Holocaust Lecture Series, the university will be hosting noted historian Saul Friedlander.

Saul Friedlander is a Pulitzer Prize-winning Israeli/American historian and currently professor emeritus of history at UCLA. Professor Friedlander, a historian and a memoir writer, will explore how these disparate genres intersect and, more importantly, where these disciplines of knowing can lead us to a faithful and enduring memory of the Holocaust in the 21st century and beyond.

Professor Friedlander will also be doing a book signing following his presentation.