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Holocaust Lecture Series: Holocaust By Bullets with Father Patrick Desbois

Posted by on Monday, October 17, 2016 in Holocaust Lecture Series, News, UPCOMING EVENT.

Tuesday, October 25th at 7 p.m.

Langford Auditorium

2209 Garland Ave. Nashville, TN 37240

For further information, please call Mike Zimmerman at 615-854-4263 or visit The Holocaust Lecture Series site

FatherPatrickDesboisHolocaust By Bullets with Father Patrick Desbois

Father Desbois has devoted his life to researching the the Holocaust and commemorating the victims of the Nazi mobile killing units. Father Desbois and Yahad-In Unum’s work has received numerous awards and was recently featured in an Emmy Nominated Documentary on 60 Minutes titled, “The Hidden Holocaust.”
