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Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Adventure Programming

OA is the outdoor adventure program at the Recreation and Wellness Center. We oversee the climbing wall and provide outdoor equipment rentals to students and members at a discounted rate.  All our programs are inclusive of a wide range of backgrounds and abilities.  We are here to help you pick up new skills, refresh old ones, experience some amazing places, and make lifelong friendships along the way.

Equipment Rental Overview:

To schedule a gear rental or for more information on rentals contact

Climbing Wall:

Located in the David Williams II Student Recreation and Wellness Center, the climbing wall features space for bouldering and ADA-accessible adaptive climbing.

We’re excited to welcome experienced climbers and we encourage those with no experience at all to climb!

Climbing shoes, chalk, and climbing tape are provided at the wall at no cost for those who don’t have their own equipment.

Climbing Wall Hours starting:

  • Climbing Wall Hours:
    • Monday through Friday: 4-8 p.m.
  • Wall Closure:

Climbing Policies and Procedures:

  1. All participants who have not climbed should meet with the appropriate student staff for a gear and general climbing wall orientation.
  2. Climbing shoes MUST BE worn at all times while climbing.
  3. Climbing shoes MUST BE removed when leaving the climbing area.
  4. Bouldering above the yellow “do not boulder past this point” is NOT permitted. Participants bouldering in prohibited areas will be immediately dismissed from the climbing area.
  5. Food and/or drink are only allowed on the stairs area of the climbing wall, and never allowed on/or around the climbing mats.
  6. Only 6 climbers and 6 spotters/belayers are allowed on the bouldering mats at one time (12 in total in the climbing area).
  7. Climbers are never to grab the steel hangers or top rope anchors.
  8. When possible, jewelry should be removed, long hair should be tied back, and loose-fitting clothing should be avoided.
  9. Bouldering is only allowed over padded areas.
  10. Bouldering below other climbers is NOT permitted.
  11. All injuries, accidents, and damage to equipment must be reported immediately to the appropriate VRWC staff.
  12. Only designated VRWC staff or approved designees may move or alter hand holds.
  13. All participants must have a completed VRWC Release of Liability form on file prior to climbing.
  14. The facility and VRWC staff are not responsible for any personal items.
  15. VRWC staff reserve the right to suspend any person(s) for violating safety policies for any conduct deemed unsafe or inappropriate.

Contact Us:

Lynn Smith
Associate Director