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Welcome to Vanderbilt Intramurals

All Vanderbilt University students and Rec Center members are encouraged to participate in Intramural Sports Leagues during the fall and spring semesters. Further, individuals may participate in accordance with their own gender identity. IM Sports registration will be completed through the Fusion Play App. Once you download the app, you will login with your Vanderbilt credentials and register yourself. You will be able to see all registrations that are open for the current semester.

Below you will find the schedule of events for upcoming semesters, definitions of certain leagues, and rules for the sports we are offering. With any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out at the contact information below!


Participants may register for multiple leagues, however, they may only register for one division per league. Divisions are broken into days of the week with certain time slots for games. You will play on the day and within the time slot for the division you sign up for. During playoffs, which encompass all of the divisions in a particular league, you will likely play outside of your day and time slot. Participants who do not already have a team may register as a free agent. Teams may pick up free agents as needed. If enough free agents are registered, a free agent team may be created to fill an open slot.

See a breakdown of leagues below.

Calendar of Events:

League Key
R = Recreational Moderate/Beginner Skill Level
C = Competitive Higher Skill Level
CR = Co-Recreational All Gender
W = Women Women-Only
G = Greek IFC Organization Members

League Descriptions:

Competitive Leagues: This league is ideal for students who are familiar with the sport and have played it in an organized competitive nature previously. There are no gender requirements for this league.

Recreational (Rec) Leagues: This league is ideal for students who may be new to the sport and are looking for a less competitive and fun environment to play in. There are no gender requirements for this league.

Sports rules do not differ on a league-to-league basis.

Sport Rules

Click the links below to view the rules for each sport.

3 v 3 Outdoor Volleyball

3 v 3 Outdoor Soccer

Outdoor Soccer

Flag Football


3 v 3 Basketball

Indoor Volleyball




Table Tennis


Ultimate Frisbee Rules

Softball Rules



Contact Us

Trace Stenz
Assistant Director