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VRS Mission Statement & Purpose


Vanderbilt Recovery Support (VRS) collegiate recovery program provides comprehensive support services for students in recovery from addiction or substance misuse, who are working towards success in their academic, social, personal, and professional lives.



The purpose of VRS is to provide both peer and administrative support for students at Vanderbilt University. Students in VRS attend recovery meetings and individual coaching appointments from which they gain tools necessary to prevent relapse and stay sober. VRS provides a space for students to connect with other recovery students, build a sober network of friends on campus, promote substance-free social events, and learn how to navigate campus challenges while in recovery. Evidence shows that individuals in recovery have a greater chance of staying sober, if they initially feel connected to the group. VRS provides an additional level of support, accountability, and connection for Vanderbilt students that cannot be found elsewhere. As students prosper in response to their supportive recovery environment, they in turn become peer leaders and advocates for new members of VRS. By providing recovery support, VRS students will contribute not only to the Vanderbilt community but to the larger global community, now and in the future.