Georgine Pion
Emeritus Research Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development
Pion's research has focused on career development and human resource policy, particularly as it pertains to the education, training, and employment of scientists and clinical personnel. In addition to training programs, her work has also involved the conduct of large-scale surveys aimed at evaluating peer review in the neurosciences, identifying the factors that affect satisfaction of NIH applicants for research grants, assessing the supply of and demand for faculty in special education, and trends in the education and employment of psychologists.
Representative Publications
- Pion, G.M. (in press) The early career progress of NIH predoctoral trainees and fellows. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.
- Pion, G.M., Kohout, J., & Wicherski, M. (2000). "Rightsizing" the workforce through training reductions: A good idea? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31, 266-271.
- Pion, G.M., Merwin, E.I., & The Human Data Resources Group (1999). Core data elements for mental health and substance abuse providers: Needed information for improving the healthcare system. In R. Manderscheid & M.A. Sonnenschein (Eds.), Mental Health United States, 1999. (SMA99-3285), (pp. 258-281). Washington, DC: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Pion, G.M., Mednick, M.T., Astin, H.S., Hall, C.C., Kenkel, M.B., Keita, G.P., Kohout, J.L., & Kelleher, J.C. (1996). The shifting gender composition of psychology: Trends and implications for the disciplines. American Psychologist, 51, 509-528.
- Pion. G.M. (1991). Psychologists wanted: Employment trends over the last decade. In R.R. Kilburg (Ed.), How to manage your career in psychology, (pp. 229-246). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.