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Psychological Sciences at Vanderbilt represents a diverse group of scholars in the Department of Psychology in the College Arts and Science, the Department of Psychology and Human Development in Peabody College, and faculty in allied disciplines across the university. Psychological Sciences combines breadth across the traditional domains of academic psychology with depth in specific programs of inquiry likely to contribute to solutions of major scientific, social, and psychological problems.

The graduate program in Psychological Sciences focuses on psychological theory and the development of original empirical research. Students are admitted to work toward the Ph.D. degree in the following areas:

Many of our faculty also participate in an Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Graduate Program at Vanderbilt.

The Department of Psychology and Human Development in Peabody College offer undergraduate majors in Child Development , Cognitive Studies , and Child Studies , as well as Masters of Education programs in Child Studies and in Quantitative Methods . The Department of Psychology in the Colleges of Art and Science offers an undergraduate major in Psychology.


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