The Library Collections Initiative is a Chancellor and Provost funding program aimed to support research and scholarship through investments in the permanent and special collections of Vanderbilt's Jean & Alexander Heard Libraries. In a competitive process during the 2017-18 academic year, the Office of the Provost will award new funding for the library to secure and acquire new collections. Summary Document
Eligibility and Process Requirements
- All full-time, VU-employed and Provost-reporting faculty are eligible to partner with a professional librarian(s) in submitting proposals.
- Proposals must include at least one faculty member and one professional librarian, but teams and groups are welcome to apply.
- These funds are for collection-building acquisitions (in any format) that enhance the depth and/or breadth of our research holdings and potential for on-going scholarship.
- Acquisitions with interdisciplinary potential are welcome, as are deep, subject-focused collections. Proposals may be for items/collections that complement current library strengths or for items that introduce new collection areas.
- The program is intended to augment library acquisitions for research. Successful proposals will acquire materials that enhance our position as an inclusively excellent and intellectually innovative research university by providing new primary sources and research collections.
- Given the need for timely action due to the possible opportunistic aspects of some collection acquisitions, proposals will be evaluated as they are submitted by ad hoc committees assembled from members from the newly-established University Library Committee.
- The funding opportunity is open to all disciplines.
- Award amounts will vary based on acquisition type.
- Submissions are welcome at any time until all funds are distributed.
- All purchases must be invoiced before June 15, 2018.
- For a full list of eligibility and process requirements, please click HERE.
For more information about the program or the proposal process contact Schyler Turrin in the Office of Cross-College Initiatives at OCCI@vanderbilt.edu or via phone (615-875-1027).