In November 2016, Chancellor Zeppos and Provost Wente charged a committee with examining and recommending potential enhancements to governance processes for initiatives involving the entire university.
To understand Vanderbilt's current governance processes at the school/college and University levels for facilitating and incorporating faculty dialogue.
- Richard Willis, Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker Jr. Professor, accounting, Owen Graduate School of Management; co-chair;
- Holly McCammon, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor; sociology, College of Arts and Science; co-chair;
- Terrah Foster Akard, associate professor, School of Nursing;
- Jeffrey Johnston, Stevenson Professor, chemistry, College of Arts and Science;
- Anne Kenworthy, professor, molecular physiology and biophysics, School of Medicine;
- Chris Lind, professor, medicine, School of Medicine;
- David Merryman, associate chair, associate professor, biomedical engineering, School of Engineering;
- Erin Charles Perez, lecturer, teaching of music, Blair School of Music;
- Phillis Sheppard, chair of divinity faculty, associate professor, religion, psychology and culture, Divinity School;
- Marybeth Shinn, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor; human and organizational development, Peabody College; and
- Yesha Yadav, faculty co-director of LL. M. Program, professor, Law School.