Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center


Type: Vanderbilt Reinvestment Award (VRA)

The Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center (VMAC) was founded in 2012 to advance discovery and reduce the societal burden of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Since then, VMAC has become a national leader in characterizing molecular factors that increase risk or promote resilience to downstream consequences of AD neuropathology. The Center established participant enrollment pipelines; developed a scalable infrastructure for multimodal data acquisition, processing and analysis; and built interdisciplinary educational opportunities. To advance VMAC to the next level, The Center must integrate AD initiatives in clinical and basic science across campus into a sustainable interdisciplinary, trans-institutional partnership and fill remaining infrastructure gaps. The TIPs award will be used to expand existing capabilities and support building new activities to position VMAC as the trans-institutional hub of all AD basic science, clinical research and educational initiatives and as a world-class translational research center.

Faculty Participants

Lead Faculty in bold

School of medicine (Clinical)

School of Medicine (Basic SCIENCES)

school of engineering

  • Bennett Landman, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science. Li
  • Ethan Lippman, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

College of arts and sciences