If this is an emergency and you need to report an imminent threat to or life-endangering situation involving a postdoc, please call the Vanderbilt University Police Department at (615) 421-1911 or 911 prior to completing this reporting form. The Postdoc of Concern Reporting Form is not designed as an emergency response notification process.
A postdoc’s life can be stressful. As a postdoc, faculty, staff member, or family member you may recognize a fellow Commodore in distress who may benefit from wellness support and professional resources.
We recommend the following process to help a Postdoc in distress or submit a Postdoc of Concern Form:
Early detection and intervention is important. Identify a postdoc who may be in distress by noticing changes in performance, behavior, or demeanor. A combination of several changes is most likely to indicate that someone is in distress.
For more specific warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide, the MAPS (Suicide Prevention) website may be useful to review. While the MAPS program is student focused, the principles are the same and thus can be applied to postdocs.
Once you have identified a postdoc who may be in distress, approach the postdoc to offer support. If they need immediate assistance, please refer to the “In Case of Immediate Crisis” section above. There is no one right way to initiate this conversation, however, the below steps are known best practices.
Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center provide employee assistance programs to postdocs who may be in distress. If they need immediate assistance, please refer to the "In Case of Immediate Crisis" section above.
Submit a Postdoc of Concern Form
Faculty, staff, postdocs, students, community members, and family members can report their concerns pertaining to the personal, physical, or emotional wellbeing of a postdoc using the Postdoc of Concern Form. This form is not designed to be an emergency response notification. Postdocs needing immediate assistance should refer to the “In Case of Immediate Crisis” section above.
Resources & Training
We encourage all postdocs, students, faculty, and staff to take the Kognito and MAPS online training modules to increase your confidence in identifying postdocs or other Commodores in distress and referring them to support services.
College & School Liaisons and Deans
Each school or college has a designated point of contact who works with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to assist postdocs, faculty and staff in helping postdocs get the support they need.
- A&S – John McLean, Dean of Graduate Education and Research, 615-322-1195
- Divinity – James P. Byrd, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, 615-343-3976
- Engineering – Duco Jansen , Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs, 615-322-3521
- School of Medicine (VU) – Kathy Gould, Senior Associate Dean for Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research Education and Training, 615-343-9502
- School of Medicine (VUMC) – Amy Martinez, Office of Research, VUMC, 615-875-0740
- Nursing – Mariann Piano, Senior Associate Dean for Research, 615-343-2936
- Owen – Richard Willis, Senior Associate Dean for the Faculty, 615-343-1050
- Peabody – Ellen Goldring, Executive Associate Dean, 615-322-8037