Emergency Phone Number (BSC)
Phone: 615-322-2621
Email: facilitiessupport@vanderbilt.edu
Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If this is an emergency, please call 911 or 615-322-2621. For a campus security issue (non-emergency), please contact VUPD at 615-322-2745.
For a facilities emergency, call Building Systems Control (BSC). BSC is VUMO’s main control center for monitoring fire alarms, security alarms, and building control systems. The control systems supervisors dispatch personnel and/or contractors to make repairs and modifications.
Non-Emergency Phone Number (Customer Care)
If you have questions and would like to talk to BSC directly please call 615-322-2621.

Service Requests
Customer Care is the single point of contact for all Vanderbilt University departments to VUMO. The best way to submit maintenance and service requests for campus buildings, grounds, and utilities is via the ReADY portal.