Curious Bar

Curious Bar light blub

What is the Curious Bar?

Inspired by the Apple Genius Bar, the Curious Bar will provide a dynamic approach to fostering belonging and continuous learning and innovation among members of the Vanderbilt community. No appointments are needed. 

The Curious Bar has a dual purpose: 

  • To provide personalized support and assistance related to areas within People, Culture and Belonging. 
  • To provide a space for employee collaboration, innovation and continuous learning. 

Personalized support and assistance 

The Curious Bar will revolutionize the way People, Culture and Belonging provides support and assistance. Whether employees seek guidance on People Experience, Health, Wellbeing and Belonging or Futures Learning Hub, hub staffers can cater to each unique need. 

Innovation, collaboration and continuous learning 

The Curious Bar will also provide a welcoming environment that encourages employees to bring forward innovative ideas to improve areas of the university and explore opportunities for personal professional development and career advancement.  


March 5  |  8 - 10 a.m.  |  Baker Building Lobby

March 19  |  8 - 10 a.m.  |  2nd Floor Lowes Lobby

April 2  |  8 - 10 a.m.  |  Baker Building Lobby 

April 16  |  8 - 10 a.m.  |  2nd Floor Lowes Lobby

Virtual Curious Bar

2nd and 4th Wednesday 12-12:30 PM 
Click link for the calendar invite