Board Members
Pat Holdridge
Dan Pomeroy
Jan Goddard
Past President
Jim Cannon
At-Large Director
Jill Perigo
Chair, Special Events
Sandy Sargent
Chair, Classroom Assistance
Tracy Stadnick
At-Large Director
Classroom Assistance Committee
Provides a welcoming and professional presence by assisting instructors and members to facilitate a positive OLLI experience.
Chair: Sandy Sargent -
Curriculum Committee
Utilizes the course evaluations from prior terms to plan new and exciting course series. -
Special Events Committee
Plans and helps to coordinate outings and the annual meeting.
Chair: Jill Perigo -
Nominating Committee
Recruits OLLI advisory board members.
Chair: Dan Pomeroy
The value of education, like health, is often appreciated more by those that don’t have it than those that do. As a high school graduate, I wished that I had been able to attend college - feeling that I missed the learnings and the lifelong friendships. OLLI at Vanderbilt presented me with an opportunity to learn and to gain friendships with others who value learning.

PMB 407760
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37240