About Us

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Vanderbilt University is an inclusive group that strives to bring together adults over 50 in the greater Nashville area. OLLI offers a wide variety of courses designed to engage minds and spark curiosity. OLLI also organizes special events throughout the community, and provides Shared Interest Groups where members can connect in more intimate settings outside the classroom.

about us

The Bernard Osher Foundation

The Bernard Osher Foundation, headquartered in San Francisco, was started in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a respected businessman and community leader. The Foundation seeks to improve quality of life through support for higher education and the arts.

The Foundation provides post-secondary scholarship funding to colleges and universities across the nation, with special attention to reentry students. It also supports a national lifelong learning network for seasoned adults. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes, operating on the campuses of 122 institutions of higher education from Maine to Hawaii and Alaska, have a National Resource Center at Northwestern University.

In addition, the Foundation benefits programs in integrative medicine in the United States and Sweden, including centers at the University of California, San Francisco; Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston; the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; Northwestern University; and Vanderbilt University. 

OLLI participants at a gathering.
OLLI participants at a gathering.
OLLI participants at a gathering.
OLLI participants at a gathering.

I think OLLI at Vanderbilt is one of the best programs in Nashville for people over age 50. I've enjoyed the opportunity to teach a few classes and look forward to the day, coming pretty soon, when I can take these classes myself. The topics are fascinating, the instructors are topnotch, and the students are engaged and inquisitive. It really strengthens our community to have an affordable program like OLLI.

Andrew Maraniss
Visiting Author - Vanderbilt Athletics, Vanderbilt University

Scholarships & Gift Certificates


OLLI is pleased to provide financial assistance on a case-by-case basis for members who may be otherwise unable to take part in our OLLI community. Please contact our office for more information. 


Gift Certificates

Give the gift of learning! Gift certificates make great presents for birthdays, holidays or other special events. Please contact our office for more information.


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PMB 407760
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37240