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Vacancies in Group Living

If you have a current vacancy, or if a vacancy is created during the semester, you have the option to pull in a new roommate of your choice or the space may be reassigned to another student.

Any continuing upper-division student who is residing on campus and enrolled in fall courses at Vanderbilt is eligible to fill a vacancy.

Please note that vacancies cannot be held or reserved for students not attending classes at Vanderbilt for the fall semester who intend to return for the spring semester.

How to Pull in a New Roommate/Suitemate:

If you would like to pull in a new roommate/suitemate, all current occupants of the space must email Housing ( to confirm the student or students (if multiple vacancies exist) you would like to pull in.

The student/s moving into your space must complete the Room Change Application in the Housing Portal if they are interested in moving into the vacancy.

Once all emails/requests are received, we will process the request.

Unfilled Vacancies:

If you do not have another student to pull in, a student may be assigned to the space during the semester as our office processes room change requests. You will be contacted with the name of your new roommate/suitemate once an assignment is made and prior to them moving into the space. In many situations, students requesting room changes like the opportunity to meet with potential new roommates prior to accepting a new space. If a student wishes to connect with you prior to accepting a room change offer, a connection will be facilitated over email by Housing and Residential Experience. Please note that all vacant spaces are assignable at any time, and that spaces can be filled at any point during the semester as we continue to process room change requests. New roommates cannot be refused and should be treated with courtesy and respect.

If you have any questions, please contact us at  We are happy to work with you and answer any questions you may have about the process.