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Student Renter’s Insurance Requirement

As noted in the Housing Contract, the University is not liable for damage to property or injuries arising out of a resident’s occupancy of their assigned rooms, except if such damage or injury results from negligent acts or omissions by the University.

As a resident, you are liable to the University and others for loss or damage caused by your actions or those of your guests. You are required to maintain adequate property and liability insurance that includes the following:

  • Personal Property Insurance: covering the students belongings while on campus, with a limit adequate to repair or replace the student’s personal property in the event of loss, damage, or theft.
  • Personal Liability Insurance: with a limit no less than $100,000 and include coverage for student-caused water damage or fire damage to adjacent spaces.

These insurance requirements are minimum requirements only. The university does not warrant or represent that this coverage will be adequate or sufficient to protect you or your guests from liability. We recommend that you discuss your specific insurance needs with an authorized insurance agent. Required insurance may be provided by a standalone Renter’s Insurance Policy or by endorsement or extension from a Homeowners Insurance Policy maintained by you or by a Parent/Guardian/Family Member.

Fully compliant renters’ insurance may be obtained from:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do I need renters insurance?

Unexpected things can and do happen in college residence halls.  Renters insurance for a residence hall room is important in protecting your electronics, valuables, and personal property. This insurance will not only safeguard your personal items from damage or theft, but it will also provide you and your family with financial relief if you’re ever liable for any damages that occur in the residence hall.

In addition, as stated in the university Housing contract, residents are required to maintain adequate property and liability insurance while living in campus residence halls.

What does renters insurance typically cover?

Renters insurance policies typically cover personal belongings such as electronics, computers, books, clothing, bicycles, etc. Fully compliant policies should also include personal liability protection with a limit of no less than $100,000 in the event a resident (the insured) is found legally liable for property damage or bodily injury to others in the resident’s building.

Who do I contact if I have questions about renters insurance?

In the event of an incident, students should reach out to their insurance agent directly to discuss the next steps specific to their policy.  For other questions and assistance, you may email to schedule an appointment. Beginning August 14, students can visit the Student Care Coordination office in Rand Hall 305 on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. noon to speak with a representative from the Office of Risk & Insurance Management.

Student Health Insurance Plan & Renters Insurance Video