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Party and Guest Registration

Party Registration

The following event management policies apply to any gathering in a residential assignment of an undergraduate student at which alcohol will be present:

  1. The Party Registration Form is located in Anchor Link and must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the proposed event, or by 12pm on Friday (for weekend gatherings). The form is routed to the appropriate area coordinator for review and approval. Gatherings are permitted only in Carmichael College suites, Zeppos College suites, Rothschild College suites, Warren College suites, Moore College suites, E. Bronson Ingram College suites, Village at Vanderbilt, Mayfield Place, Chaffin Place, Morgan House, and Lewis House – except those in the West End Neighborhood. All gatherings must abide by all other University and residential policies (noise, alcohol, visitation, etc.).
  2. Events with alcohol occurring prior to the start of classes, during reading days, and during final examinations for undergraduate students will generally not be approved. No first-year students are permitted to attend events where alcohol is present until five (5) weeks after the beginning of the fall semester, which will be deemed to begin on the official move-in day for first-year students.
  3. A majority of the students assigned to the residence hall space must be of legal age to drink alcoholic beverages in order for alcohol to be present at an event in a residential space.
  4. On an annual basis, hosts of events at which alcohol will be available must complete Host Responsibility Training through the Center for Student Wellbeing at least three weeks prior to its first event of the year.
  5. Alcohol must be present on a “bring-your-own” or B.Y.O.B. basis, and hosts are not permitted to serve alcohol to guests.
  6. Identification must be checked by student hosts for those who bring alcohol to the event.
  7. Alcohol must be kept inside the apartment/suite with doors shut.
  8. Gatherings must be by invite only. Hosts are required to turn away interested persons who are not invited.
  9. No events are permitted to take place in residential spaces during quiet hours. (See “Quiet and Courtesy Hours” in the Noise section.)
  10. Nonalcoholic beverages and food must be provided during the entire period that alcoholic beverages are available. Students organizing the event are responsible for providing both nonalcoholic beverages and food.
  11. Residents of the host apartment/suite are responsible for ensuring compliance with University policies and state and local law. If non-compliant, all residents of the host apartment/suite are subject to corrective action through the University’s accountability process, and to prosecution by the state of Tennessee, and/or the Metropolitan Government of Nashville/Davidson County.

Hosting Gatherings without Alcohol

Individuals hosting a gathering in their assigned residential space must register the gathering when the number of people at the event will exceed the  number of occupants of the apartment/suite  times two and plus one, regardless of whether alcohol is present. For example, a suite of six (6) can have up to thirteen (13) people, including the residents of the space, without needing to register the gathering; a single could have up to three (3) people, including the residents of the space, without needing to register the gathering; etc. The Party Registration Form is located in Anchor Link and must be submitted no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the proposed event, or by 12pm on Friday (for weekend gatherings). The form is routed to the appropriate area coordinator for review and approval. Gatherings are permitted only in Carmichael College suites, Zeppos College suites, Rothschild College suites, Warren College suites, Moore College suites, E. Bronson Ingram College suites, Village at Vanderbilt, Mayfield Place, Chaffin Place, Morgan House, and Lewis House. All gatherings must abide by all other University and residential policies (noise, alcohol, visitation, etc.).

Gatherings hosted by residents in the West End Neighborhood are exempt from this policy but must comply with the Alcohol policy.

Guest Registration


Visitors are allowed in residences throughout the 24-hour day. However, residents must remain sensitive to the safety and security concerns of the residential community as well as the privacy needs of floormates/roommates/suitemates/lodgemates/apartmentmates. Prior to a visitor’s arrival, resident hosts should discuss with the persons with whom they share space, the fact that visitors are expected. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their visitors and violations of University policy may be referred to Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity. Visitors (including Vanderbilt students who are not residents and who do not have access to a particular building), must be escorted at all times when in the residence halls. Lending ID credentials or room keys to visitors is prohibited.

Overnight Guests

A student who wishes to host an overnight guest must complete the Guest Registration Form. The request should be made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the arrival of the guest. Residential Experience will review the request and send a message regarding the status of the registration. Host students should seek the permission of roommates and others with whom they share space (e.g., suitemates) before completing the registration form. Guests’ stays are limited to three consecutive nights. Guests must be escorted by their host at all times on campus. Lending student ID credentials or room keys is prohibited. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests and violations of University policy may be referred to Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity.

Residence hall rooms are not suitable for visiting parents or legal guardians. The presence of parents or legal guardians for any extended length of time in a residence hall can be a source of uneasiness and discomfort among other residents. Consequently, no parent or legal guardian may stay overnight in a residence hall.

There are no overnight guests allowed during break periods.