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Welcome from VSG President, Veer Shah

Posted by on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 in right sidebar top.

Dear Class of 2024,

Congratulations and welcome to Vanderbilt University! My name is Veer Shah, and I am your Student Body President for the academic year of 2020-2021. Before I start with a more formalized introduction and shed a few words of wisdom as an aging senior, I’ll share with you a little bit about myself. I’m from Atlanta, GA majoring in Human Organizational Development and Economics with a minor in Business (subjective to change…crazy right?).  Apart from extracurriculars and academics, on campus you’ll either see me at the rec playing basketball breaking ankles with my deadly crossover, walking around campus dancing to music with my headphones in bumping lil baby, or cracking jokes in Rand with someone new every time (don’t worry if you don’t know what Rand is yet, I still get lost). My favorite part about Vanderbilt is obviously the people, but as I dive into writing this letter, I’ll talk a little more about Vanderbilt and why anyone, including myself, is lucky to call it home.

First of all, know that no matter what the path looked like that brought you to Vanderbilt, your place at this school is meant for you, and we are so proud to have you here. We are in difficult times right now, given the global-pandemic, increase in racial injustices,  and several other issues that are rising to the surface both on and off-campus. However, as you may know with adversity comes a product of growth and change that will enhance your  ability to change your future and pave the road for others after you. With that, I’d be lying if I told you that your first-year college is going to be easy, especially given the constraints and circumstances presented to you this year, but I’d also be lying if I didn’t admit the challenges you face on campus this year will help you write a stronger, more exciting, unparalleled story compared to anyone before you.

Secondly, I want to add my welcome to the many that you have very likely received thus far. It is because of passionate, engaged students like you that I am able to serve in my role as Student Body President, and I cannot tell you how honored I am to get a chance to welcome you to Vanderbilt. Over the next few weeks, you will receive so much—and at times conflicting—advice about how to take on your college experience. In order to avoid redundancy, I will keep my own words of wisdom brief: be willing to shift the script. You may be coming to Vanderbilt with a script in your mind, perhaps reinforced by external forces, about what your experience here should look like. Keep in mind the difference between “supposed to” and “meant to” as you begin to make decisions here that will shape the rest of your life.

Lastly, I want to challenge each of you to expect the most from and continually work for a better Vanderbilt. The role of the student government is to advocate for students so that we can maximize the undergraduate experience—your experience—and it is on each of us to make that happen. You each have unique stories you are bringing to campus, which you will continue to write and change every single day during your time at Vanderbilt. My administration and I want a student government that adds vibrancy and depth to these student stories at Vanderbilt, and we ask each of you to question us, add your ideas, and offer support in making our school a better place. We are primarily active on Instagram, so feel free to follow us (@vanderbiltstudentgov).

Vanderbilt will challenge you, and it will change you, and each of us have a role in changing it in our time here. As you move into the next few months of your life, know that they will be overwhelming, full of newness, excitement, and highs and lows. However, know that they are also the beginning of some of the most special and unique years of your lives, and you have so many people who are here to help you along the way. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me when you arrive on campus and get settled in—I would love to be a part of your Vanderbilt experience as another supporter, advocate, and friend. Congratulations again, and welcome to the next four years!


Veer Shah

Student Body President, Vanderbilt Student Government

IG: veer_shahh