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Welcome from Vanderbilt Chief of Police, August J. Washington

Posted by on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 in right sidebar top.

Dear Vanderbilt Family:

On behalf of Vanderbilt University Public Safety, I am happy to welcome you and your student to Vanderbilt University. We understand that you are entrusting your student to our care and we take that responsibility very seriously. We work together with our students to maintain a safe and secure campus, and I assure you that the safety of our students is our highest priority.

Vanderbilt is fortunate to be located in the midst of a booming urban community featuring all the amenities of a big city, including sporting events, restaurants, and a wide variety of cultural and social events. As in any urban setting, individuals must make choices that maximize their personal safety and security. Therefore, Vanderbilt University Public Safety is taking this opportunity to familiarize you with some of our security related programs and services. In addition, students have a responsibility for their own safety and it is my sincere hope that you will join my officers in encouraging your student to take advantage of the following services and tips:

  • Students can take a proactive role in their own security by keeping residence hall rooms locked and should consider walking in groups across campus, especially after dusk.
  • After dark, the Vanderbilt University Police Department offers two options to help your student get to and from different locations on campus – the VandyRide program and the Walking Security Escort program. VandyRide shuttles pick up and drop off students at pre-designated points on campus. Walking security escorts can be requested by dialing 421-8888, after which a representative from VUPD will be dispatched to the caller’s location or to a designated meeting point to accompany the student to his or her destination.
  • Operation ID encourages students to document and label their personal possessions. The information should be kept by the student for quick reference. Students may register their bicycles and laptop computers online with the Vanderbilt University Police Department.
  • The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) program is a self-defense program for women. A separate self-defense program for men is also available.
  • VandySafe is a free mobile safety application for iOS and Android smartphones. The app allows users to connect directly from their cell phones to the Vanderbilt University Police Department via voice call, SMS text, or iReport.
  • For details about the programs mentioned above, as well as information about Crime Alerts and the Daily Crime Log, please visit

Vanderbilt’s goal is to provide a safe and secure environment in which students can learn and grow. We take pride in our department and in the quality of services we deliver. I encourage both you and your student to contact the police department should you experience any problems or have any questions or concerns related to security or law enforcement services on campus. I can be reached at (615) 322-2745 if you would like to speak to me personally.


Best wishes and welcome to Vanderbilt University.

August J. Washington

Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief of Police