
Caldwell student, Ryan Kowalski awarded 2nd place poster at BNW2024.

Caldwell student, Ryan Kowalski awarded 2nd place poster at BNW2024.

Ryan was awarded 2nd place for his poster at the hBN Workshop in Sydney. Well deserved! Excellent work Ryan!

Boron Nitride Workshop 2024 (BNW 2024), Sydney

Boron Nitride Workshop 2024 (BNW 2024), Sydney

Josh Caldwell is one the organizers for the Boron Nitride Workshop. This series is dedicated entirely to boron nitride, and the inaugural meeting was held in Montpellier in 2023 (https://bnw2023.sciencesconf.org/). Over the last several years the BN community has grown immensely, and BN has become a material of choice for applications spanning electronics, polaritonics, lighting, imaging, quantum, biology, materials science and theory. This years meeting was held in Sydney, Australia. https://bnw2024.org/

Congrats to Youngji and Ethan! 2024 MRS Spring Meeting Award Winners

Congrats to Youngji and Ethan! 2024 MRS Spring Meeting Award Winners

Congrats to Postdoc Youngji Kim and former VINSE REU student Ethan Ray. They received poster awards at the 2024 MRS Spring Meeting in Seattle.

Youngji won the ‘Best Poster Award for Symposium EL08 in 2024 MRS Spring Meeting’ for the poster titled “Configurationally Tunable Mie, Plasmonic and Diffractive Structural Colors in a Single Design”. This poster summarized the study of strategy to configurationally tune structural colors using different optical mechanisms during her PhD in Prof. Jerome K. Hyun’s group (Ewha Womans University, South Korea). Read more in the published papers if you are interested. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/nanoph-2023-0254/html

Ethan’s presentation was “Manipulating Confined Infrared Light via Polaritonic Design of Sub-Diffractional alpha-MoO3 Wedges” at the 2024 Spring Materials Research Society Meeting. He won a Best Poster Award for the “Plasmonics and Metasurfaces: Design, Materials, and Applications” Symposium and was nominated for a Best Poster Award for the Thursday Poster Session.

3-20-24 (NREIP Positions)

3-20-24 (NREIP Positions)

Emma Bartelsen and Trey Long have accepted NREIP positions working under Dr. Jeremy Robinson at NRL in Washington, DC this summer. This will involve upgrading hardware and performing programing work to automate 2D material identification and transfer. This involves identifying the orientation of the flake facets, aligning with an underlying sample to orient the flakes more directly at a specific angle, and using machine learning to determine flake thicknesses from visible imaging and knowledge of material type. This work is aligned with an FY23 MURI grant focusing on generalizing moire and twist-optic designs for advanced optical components.

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Research Drop Box

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