Home > Investigating Structure and Function > Seeds    


Inquiry & Experimentation
Seed Structures
Change over time
Conditions for Germination & Growth
Life Cycles
Growth Rate
Order and Timing of Events
Mathematical Resources
    Inquiry & Experimentation
    Overall Objective

To introduce scientific inquiry in the classroom, from generating research questions to designing studies, collecting and interpreting data and supporting claims.

    Plan for future questions
To assess students' understanding of inquiry by asking them to design and describe a future seed investigation they could conduct.
   Overview of Lesson

Students designed and carried out investigations to test their seed questions. They observed changes during seed germination and learned effective ways of documenting those changes. At the end of the unit, students still had questions about seeds. They were asked to choose an interesting seed question that they would like to investigate in the future. Students were asked to tell how they would set up a test or investigation to address this new question.

With this task, we can assess the students' understanding in two areas. First, is the question posed one that can be tested? Second, did the student set up a fair test or appropriate investigation addressing that question?

Last Updated: February 17, 2005
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