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Leaching Tests

Leaching Tests

The framework recommends a collection of four leaching tests that follow the tiered approach of leach testing as published in literature (Kosson et al., 2002). These tests can be used to develop a characteristic leaching profile of the subject material under equilibrium- and mass transfer-controlled release. Each test is designed to vary a critical release-controlling parameter (e.g., pH, liquid-to-solid ratio, leaching time) to provide leaching data over a broad range of test conditions.

Preliminary Versions of EPA Methods

The U.S. EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR) and Office of Research & Development (ORD), in collaboration with Vanderbilt University, ARCADIS-US Inc., and leaching experts from around the country, have initiated the interlaboratory validation of a suite of alternative leach testing methods. These tests are under review for inclusion in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods” (SW-846).

Method 1313 Batch Test Preparation in Lab

Leaching characterization under LEAF consists of testing using one or more of the following four methods:

  • Method 1313: Liquid-Solid Partitioning (LSP) as a Function of Eluate pH Using a Parallel Batch Extraction Procedure
  • Method 1314: Liquid-Solid Partitioning (LSP) as a Function of Liquid-to-Solid Ratio Using an Up-Flow Percolation Column Procedure
  • Method 1315: Mass Transfer Rates in Monolithic and Compacted Granular Materials Using a Semi-dynamic Tank Leaching Procedure
  • Method 1316: Liquid-Solid Partitioning (LSP) as a Function of Liquid-to-Solid Ratio Using a Parallel Batch Extraction Procedure

These methods are described in individual pages of this website, along with their projected SW-846 method IDs.  Note that the designation as a “preliminary version” does not denote endorsement by the U.S. EPA or SW-846.