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LeachXS™ Lite

Data Management and Visualization Tool

LeachXS Lite™ is a data management and visualization tool and an essential part of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF). The tool allows users to evaluate and characterize the release of material constituents based on comparisons derived from leaching test results for a wide range of materials and waste types (e.g., secondary or recycled materials, stabilized waste and construction materials). LeachXS Lite is a simplified version of the full software package LeachXS™.


The program provides facilitated data management, visualization and analysis through:

* Direct import of leaching test data using formatted data templates,
* Comparison of leaching data from different materials or leaching tests,
* Comparison of material-specific leaching data to a statistical representation for a class or group of materials, and
* Uniform data presentation and graphic output to Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets.

The current version of LeachXS Lite includes data templates written in Microsoft Excel used for importing data from leaching test methods developed for LEAF. The default materials database containing leaching data for more than 70 CCRs and 40 constituents of concern generated for USEPA reports on characterization of coal combustion residues.


LeachXS Lite is freely available for download; however, use of the program requires users to register for a free license key.

Development Team

LeachXS Lite and LeachXS have been developed jointly by The Energy Research Centre of The Netherlands (Petten, The Netherlands), DHI (Horsholm, Denmark) and Vanderbilt University. Additional input for implementation of LeachXS Lite has been provided by the USEPA Office of Research and Development.