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Affiliated programs

Psychology learning assistants program

In the Psychology Learning Assistants program, undergraduate students serve as Learning Assistants (LA) in psychology courses. LAs complete a pedagogy course, such as the PSY Pedagogy Seminar, which is specially designed to help LAs support students in psychology classes. Psychology LAs have been employed in a variety of courses, including General Psychology, Quantitative Methods, Health Psychology, and Experimental Methods in Behavioral Neuroscience. LAs are responsible for multiple types of tasks, depending on the class, including taking attendance, leading review sessions, designing assignments, and working with students in the classroom on class activities. The PSY LA program trains students in teaching techniques to facilitate modern approaches to pedagogy in psychology courses. For more information, contact

Mathematics Course Assistant (CA) Program

The Course Assistants program in the Department of Mathematics enhances student learning and sense of belonging, supporting their success in college math courses. Undergraduate CAs serve as mentors and facilitators outside of the classroom, working with small groups of students taking Calculus courses. Course Assistants help students collaborate on homework assignments, lead study sessions, and engage in small group discussions. Because CAs have already taken similar courses, they have deep knowledge of the material and work closely with the instructors to plan learning activities each week. CAs receive training through a pedagogy course, preparing them to effectively serve as peer mentors. They currently support various Calculus courses in the department. For more information, contact