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Fall 2022

BSCI 1510: Introduction to Biological Sciences

Jim Patton
Stevenson professor
of Biological Sciences

Todd Graham
Stevenson professor
of Biological Sciences

How the LAs were integrated

Flipped classroom. Open
question and answer at
the beginning of class and
then LAs discussed new
problems with students in
small groups afterwards.
LAs hosted Zoom
meetings on Fridays to go
over questions from the
lectures each week.

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences

Katherine Friedman
Associate professor
and Vice Chair of
Biological Sciences

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for
class by watching videos
and completing a
worksheet for participation
credit; each LA led a
discussion of the
worksheet in a separate
room in a small group, with
faculty members visiting
each room.

CHEM 1601: General Chemistry

Tara Todd
Principal senior lecturer in
Chemistry and Director of
Undergraduate Studies

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussion
during the last third of class.

Adam List
Prinicipal senior lecturer
in Chemistry

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussion
during the last third of class.

CHEM 2222: Organic Chemistry

Katie Clements
Senior lecturer of Chemistry

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for
class by watching videos.
Class is interspersed with
short lectures. LAs led a
discussion of material in
small groups with faculty
member walking around.

EES 1510: The Dynamic Earth: Introduction to Geological Sciences

Lily Claiborne
Principal senior lecturer
of Earth and Environmental
Sciences and Director of
Undergraduate Studies

How the LAs were integrated

Provide support as students
work through problems and
answer questions in small
groups during class.

BSCI 1103: Green Earth: The Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants

Amanda Benson
Senior lecturer of
Biological Sciences

How the LAs were integrated

Provide support as students
work through problems and
answer questions in small
groups during class.

NSC 3269: Developmental Neuroscience

Elizabeth Catania
Assistant professor
in Neuroscience
and Director of
Undergraduate Studies

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for class
by watching lecture videos.
In class, LA’s led small
groups of students through
assignments reviewing or
extending the lecture
videos. Assignments
ranged from worksheets, to
review of data and figures
from papers to short
problem based learning
type questions.

PHYS 1501: Physics

Savanna Starko
Senior lecturer in
Physics & Astronomy

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussions
and active learning exercises
interspersed with short lectures.

PSY 2100: Quantitative Methods

Ashleigh Maxcey
Senior lecturer and
research assistant
professor of Psychology

How the LAs were integrated

LAs lead data
visualization activities
once a week. They
assisted students in
learning data
visualization techniques
on Excel.

SCED 2330: Pedagogy Seminar

Cynthia Brame
Associate director,
Center for Teaching

How the LAs were integrated

Amy Palmeri
Associate professor of the
Practice, Early Childhood
and Elementary Education

How the LAs were integrated

Spring 2023

BSCI 1511: Introduction to Biological Sciences II

Larisa DeSantis
Associate professor of
Biological Sciences

Julián Hillyer
Professor of Biological
Sciences and Director
of Graduate Studies

Learning Assistants

Zoe Abel
Ugonna Adugba
Priya Bhatt
Hannah Chen
Vignesh Chennupati
Joel Elasy
Tristen Gittens
Victoria Li
Natalie Loveridge
Gian Luca Lupica-Tondo
Cheryl Quartey
Henoc Zinga
Brina Ratangee

How the LAs were integrated

Traditional lectures interspersed with short discussion periods Mondays and Wednesdays. Small group, LA-led problem-solving on Fridays.

CHEM 1601: General Chemistry

Tara Todd
Principal senior lecturer in
Chemistry and Director of
Undergraduate Studies

Learning Assistants

Marisa Albarran
Kyle Davis
Jasmin Elnaggar
Mason Engle
Camilla Guel
Hailey Kramer
Tristan Sealy
Soumya Vytla

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussion
during the last third of class.

Adam List
Principal senior lecturer in

Learning Assistants

Shani Israel
Abisola Lawal
Joey Lu
Cierra Lyons
Jalil Mitchell
Jazlyn Selvasingh
Kenny Ta
Chloe Tzau

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group
discussion during the
last third of class.

BSCI 2210: Principles of Genetics

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences

Cynthia Brame
Assistant professor of the practice of in
Biological Sciences

Learning Assistants

Cassandra Ztzrodt
Weixi (Vincent) Kang
Mary Wilson Screws
Yufan (Fiona) Shan
Kate Spears
Yuhan Wang
Helen Yang

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for class
by watching videos and
completing a worksheet for
participation credit; Class
began with a short lecture
and then each LA led a
discussion of the
worksheet in an active
learning classroom.

PHYS 1502: Intro Physics for the Life Sciences II

Savanna Starko
Senior lecturer in
Physics & Astronomy

Learning Assistants

Makenzie Baker
Chris Bozorgmehr
Sriya Jonnakuti
Grace Lee
Amelia Shaddinger
Harrison Stuart

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussions
and active learning exercises
interspersed with short lectures.

Savanna Starko
Senior lecturer in
Physics & Astronomy

Learning Assistants

Leen Alabdalla
Minoli Fernando
Samantha Josephson
Olivia Ward
Jack Yarnall

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussions
and active learning exercises
interspersed with short lectures.

Shane Hutson
Professor and Chair of
Physics & Astronomy

Learning Assistants

Tucker Apgar
Marina He
Isra Shuster

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group discussions
and active learning exercises
interspersed with short lectures.