Fall 2020
BSCI 1510: Introduction to Biological Sciences

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences | 
Katherine Friedman
Associate professor
and Vice Chair of
Biological Sciences | Learning Assistants
Sarah Commaroto
Kolapo Dairo
Hanwen Feng
Emilia Ferreira
Melissa Goldin
Anica Mohammadkhah
Cindy Nwokedi
Aashvi Patel
Olivia Pembridge
Jared Plotkin
Katie Radulovacki
Jaszmine Simmons
Sarah Saxton Strassberg | How the LAs were integrated
Students prepared for
class by watching videos
and completing a worksheet
for participation credit;
each LA led a discussion
of the worksheet with a
persistent small group via
Zoom, with faculty
members visiting each room. |
Spring 2021
BSCI 2520: Biochemistry

Hemant Badgandi
Senior lecturer of
Biological Sciences
and Chemistry | 
Lars Plate
Assistant professor of
Biological Sciences
and Chemistry
| Learning Assistants
Tony Chen
Jennifer Du
Sophia Gerberg
Michael McGuire
Katie Radulovacki
Jaszmine Simmons
Maureen Ubani
| How the LAs were integrated
LAs led small group
discussions and active
learning exercises
interspersed with short
lectures. |
BSCI 3252: Cellular Neurobiology

Kendal Broadie
Stevenson professor
of Neurobiology | 
Doug McMahon
Stevenson Professor
of Biological Sciences | Learning Assistants
Quenten Lakey
Jared Plotkin
| How the LAs were integrated
For this on-line zoom format,
the LAs moderated
questions to the professor,
and then led break-out
rooms at the end of each
lecture (1/2 the class each). |
BSCI 2205: Evolution

Nicole Creanza
Assistant professor
of Biological Sciences | 
Jessica Gilpin
Senior Lecturer
of Biological Sciences
| Learning Assistants
Sarah Saxton Strassberg
Ellen Yu
| How the LAs were integrated
Students prepared for
class by watching
videos and completing
a worksheet for participation
credit; each LA led a discussion
of the worksheet with
a persistent small group
via Zoom, with faculty
members visiting each room. |
BSCI 2210: Principles of Genetics

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences | 
Katherine Friedman
Associate professor
and Vice Chair of
Biological Sciences | Learning Assistants
Anoop Chandrashekar
Margaret Clement
Olivia Pembridge
Bennett Schneier
Liraz Stilman
Anna Young | How the LAs were integrated
Students prepared for class
by watching videos and
completing a worksheet for
participation credit; each
LA led a discussion of the
worksheet with a persistent
small group via Zoom, with
faculty members visiting
each room. |
EES 1510: Dynamic Earth: Introduction to Geological Sciences

Lily Claiborne
Principal senior lecturer
of Earth and Environmental
Sciences and Director of
Undergraduate Studies | Learning Assistants
Ellie Miller
Jackson Burrow
‘Ana Fonongava’inga Stringer
Erika Anderson | How the LAs were integrated
Provide support as
students work through
problems and answer
questions in in breakout
rooms on Zoom. |