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Fall 2020

BSCI 1510: Introduction to Biological Sciences

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences

Katherine Friedman
Associate professor
and Vice Chair of
Biological Sciences

Learning Assistants

Sarah Commaroto
Kolapo Dairo
Hanwen Feng
Emilia Ferreira
Melissa Goldin
Anica Mohammadkhah
Cindy Nwokedi
Aashvi Patel
Olivia Pembridge
Jared Plotkin
Katie Radulovacki
Jaszmine Simmons
Sarah Saxton Strassberg

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for
class by watching videos
and completing a worksheet
for participation credit;
each LA led a discussion
of the worksheet with a
persistent small group via
Zoom, with faculty
members visiting each room.

Spring 2021

BSCI 2520: Biochemistry

Hemant Badgandi
Senior lecturer of
Biological Sciences
and Chemistry

Lars Plate
Assistant professor of
Biological Sciences
and Chemistry

Learning Assistants

Tony Chen
Jennifer Du
Sophia Gerberg
Michael McGuire
Katie Radulovacki
Jaszmine Simmons
Maureen Ubani

How the LAs were integrated

LAs led small group
discussions and active
learning exercises
interspersed with short

BSCI 3252: Cellular Neurobiology

Kendal Broadie
Stevenson professor
of Neurobiology

Doug McMahon
Stevenson Professor
of Biological Sciences

Learning Assistants

Quenten Lakey
Jared Plotkin

How the LAs were integrated

For this on-line zoom format,
the LAs moderated
questions to the professor,
and then led break-out
rooms at the end of each
lecture (1/2 the class each).

BSCI 2205: Evolution

Nicole Creanza
Assistant professor
of Biological Sciences

Jessica Gilpin
Senior Lecturer
of Biological Sciences

Learning Assistants

Sarah Saxton Strassberg
Ellen Yu

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for
class by watching
videos and completing
a worksheet for participation
credit; each LA led a discussion
of the worksheet with
a persistent small group
via Zoom, with faculty
members visiting each room.

BSCI 2210: Principles of Genetics

Thomas Clements
Senior lecturer and
LA Director
Biological Sciences

Katherine Friedman
Associate professor
and Vice Chair of
Biological Sciences

Learning Assistants

Anoop Chandrashekar
Margaret Clement
Olivia Pembridge
Bennett Schneier
Liraz Stilman
Anna Young

How the LAs were integrated

Students prepared for class
by watching videos and
completing a worksheet for
participation credit; each
LA led a discussion of the
worksheet with a persistent
small group via Zoom, with
faculty members visiting
each room.

EES 1510: Dynamic Earth: Introduction to Geological Sciences

Lily Claiborne
Principal senior lecturer
of Earth and Environmental
Sciences and Director of
Undergraduate Studies

Learning Assistants

Ellie Miller
Jackson Burrow
‘Ana Fonongava’inga Stringer
Erika Anderson

How the LAs were integrated

Provide support as
students work through
problems and answer
questions in in breakout
rooms on Zoom.



