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When is Purim?

Purim 2022 begins on Wednesday night, March 16 and continues through Thursday, March 17, (extending through Friday in Jerusalem).

What is Purim?

Purim is a Jewish holiday that celebrates how Jews were saved from a massacre. The story is recounted in the Megillah (Book of Esther) in the Hebrew Bible. According to tradition, Esther was the Queen of Persia who kept her Jewish identity a secret. The grand vizier Haman plotted to massacre the Jewish people on 13 Adar, but Esther then revealed her Jewish identity to the King of Persia. The King of Persia had Haman executed, and the Jews were allowed to fight their enemies. The next day was marked with joyful celebration.

Did you know . . .?

  • In many places, Purim is celebated on 14 Adar. However, in some places, including Jerusalem, Purim is celebrated on 15 Adar. This is because Jews in the city of Shansan, then the capital of the Persian Empire, fought on 13-14 Adar and rested on the 15th.
  • “Purim” literally means “lots,” and it called such because Haman picked 13 Adar (the date of the planned massacre) from a lottery.

Want to learn more?

Hamantaschen (literally, “Haman’s ears”)- traditional Purim cookies