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English Language Support & Services

Vanderbilt English Language Center

The English Language Center (ELC) offers cost-free courses, workshops, and 1-to-1 Consultations for Vanderbilt students, staff, faculty, and scholars who use English as an additional language. ELC language teaching specialists and student consultants understand the linguistic and cultural challenges faced by multilingual people and are well equipped to support academic writing, academic speaking, and pronunciation in English. The ELC also provides language and cultural support for spouses and partners of members of the Vanderbilt community. For more information and additional resources, visit the ELC’s website or email

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Community Organization & Conversation Groups

American Conversation Partners is a no-cost conversational English program in which international students and spouses are matched with an American college student or volunteer who will help them improve their conversational skills. They meet on Mondays at 6:45-8 p.m. at Asaph’s Chamber, Belmont Church 1004 16th Ave. S, Nashville 37203. Light refreshments are served and registration is recommended. For more information, email Richard or Mary Barnes at

Nashville Adult Literacy Council offers beginner level classes, small groups, and one-on-one instruction to Davidson County adults aged 18 and over who would like to improve their English communication skills. There is an initial assessment required. For more information, email

Tennessee Language Center offers structured classes in advanced conversation in real-life situations, as well as grammar, writing, pronunciation, and TESL preparation for a fee.

Nashville Public Library offers many resources and events for ESL classes.

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