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Annual Tax Filing


International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) is not able to assist any student/scholar with IRS tax form preparation, or answer tax related questions.  The following information is provided as a courtesy and resources to help you better understand your tax obligation.

For further assistance with Tax related concerns, please contact Vanderbilt’s International Tax Office (ITO). ITO is responsible for analyzing international tax matters relating to Vanderbilt’s employees and non-employees receiving any type of payment from the university. Email: Website:  Location: Baker Building, 10th floor.

ITO also sponsors workshops on taxes for international student and scholars each spring semester. Watch for announcements in the email listserv.  Tax laws are subject to change.  Therefore, you should check each year to know the current legal requirements.

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Tax Reporting Requirements

All international students and scholars in F or J status (including dependents) must file paperwork with the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) annually, even if there is no U.S. source of income.  It is very important to remain in strict compliance with U.S. tax regulations.

Individuals in F-1 or J-1 status who receive a U.S. source of income that is subject to withholding, must file annually by April 15.  Records should be kept for five years. International students and scholars (with exception of permanent residents, resident aliens for tax purposes, or those married to U.S. citizens) must file a 1040-NR Form for nonresidents.  Non-immigrants should not file forms 1040, 1040-A, or 1040-EZ.

All non-immigrants F-1, F-2, J-1, or J-2 status will need to file a Form 8843 with the IRS.  If the international student or scholars have no income this is still required and must be filed annually by June 15.

More detailed information visit Tax Information for International Students and Scholars

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GLACIER Tax Preparation

Vanderbilt International Tax Office uses a secure tax compliance software, GLACIER, to capture the information required to determine the actual tax status of an international person.  All international persons who are not US Residents and who are receiving payments from Vanderbilt University are required to have a GLACIER record.   GLACIER will provide step by step instructions and assistance with preparation of the appropriate tax forms for F-1 and J-1 non-immigrants.

REMINDER: If you have not filled out I-9 or provide your SSN to Vanderbilt’s International Tax Office and/or Human Resources Office, please make sure you do so as this will affect your access for Tax preparation process.   If ITIN is needed, please visit the following link for more information:

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Be Careful of Tax SCAMS

International students/scholars can be vulnerable targets for criminals impersonating government officials online, via email or by telephone.   An email sender or caller will claim that they are contacting you from U.S. government agency (IRS, DHS/USCIS/ICE, FBI, police, etc.) regarding important, time sensitive matter that requires your immediate attention.  These people may try to obtain your personal information and/or threaten you in paying them money.  Protect yourself from falling victim to a criminal/scammer.

If you suspect that you have been contacted by an immigration scam, or if you have been a victim of a scam, you should report it immediately to ISSS.

IRS tax Scam tips video & IRS tax tip sheet

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Tax Resources

Vanderbilt International Tax Office– Tax Topics and Links

Internal Revenue Services (IRS)

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