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Occasional Lectures and Consultations


According to regulation 22 C.F.R. § 62.20(g), exchange visitors in the professor, research scholar, and short-term scholar J-1 categories may participate in occasional (single event rather than an ongoing activity) lectures and short-term consultations, if authorized to do so by their sponsor – Vanderbilt Department and ISSS.  Authorization must be provided prior to the activity.

The occasional lectures or short-term consultations must:

  • Be directly related to the objectives of the exchange visitor’s program.
  • Must be approved in advance and in writing by the responsible officer (ISSS Adviser)
  • Be incidental to the exchange visitor’s primary program activities.
  • Not delay the completion date of the visitor’s program; and
  • Be documented in SEVIS.

ISSS Authorization Process

Procedure to request off-campus occasional lectures or short-term consultations:

Login ISSS Portal and click search online requests to access the form.  Under search online requests form, click J-1 Scholars – select J-1 Occasional Lecture/Short Term Consultation Request form and following instructions to submit the form.

You need to obtain the following documents before you submit the request on the ISSS Portal:

  • A letter from the organization setting forth the terms and conditions of the offer to lecture or consult, including the duration, number of hours, field or subject, amount of compensation, and description of such activity; and
  • A letter from your program department head or supervisor recommending such activity and explaining how the activity related to your program objective and would enhance the exchange visitor’s program.