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Vanderbilt Dance Program

Posted by on Monday, January 9, 2017 in Archives, News.

The Vanderbilt Dance Program is excited to announce that dance technique classes will be offered this spring semester.  Our favorite dance instructors are returning to offer classes in classical ballet, tap, contemporary/modern, hip hop and world dance techniques. The Vanderbilt Dance Program is conveniently located in Memorial Gym and we offer classes for beginners through advanced levels.


We know a lot of you have been waiting for this moment and we want to celebrate by offering a $20.00 discount when you register online by Jan. 15. Use the link below to our registration system to see the spring dance schedule and to register today with a Visa or MasterCard. Be sure to click on the words apply discount after typing in this code Dance20 to receive your savings.  This discount is for online registration and won’t be available at the door.

Our unlimited pass is available for those that may want 3 or more classes a week as well as our 5 class card.  

Drop in fee is $15.00 per class as long as space is available in a class. This may be paid at Dance Studios and we will only be able to accept Visa or MasterCard.

Want to register using your Commodore card? Contact David Heustess by email at to make arrangements.