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Registration and Use Policy for Motorcycles, Motorized Bicycles, Motor Scooters and Mopeds

Posted by on Thursday, August 22, 2013 in Archives, News.

The Traffic & Parking office will enhance enforcement efforts for the policy regarding the registration and use of motorcycles, motorized bicycles, motor scooters and mopeds on the University campus.   During the spring semester and summer session, several University departments received complaints about inappropriate and potentially dangerous use of such vehicles on University sidewalks.   Effective with the opening of school this fall, the following policies will be enforced on campus:

A permit is required for  ALL motorized vehicles parking on the Vanderbilt University Campus.    Motorcycles, motorized bicycles, motor scooters and mopeds are required to display -€œU-€ permits.   The cost of a U Permit is waived if a customer has already purchased an annual vehicle permit at regular price.   Motorcycle, motorized bicycle, motor scooter and moped parking areas can be found on the parking map ( and click on -€œMaps-€) as designated by the motorcycle symbols.   Parking is authorized only in spaces marked by signs or ground markings.   Any motorcycle, motorized bicycle, motor scooter and moped that does not display a U Permit or that is parked in an unauthorized area is subject to being ticketed, impounded and/or marked for future enforcement purposes.

Motorcycles, motorized bicycles, motor scooters and mopeds are  NOT allowed to be operated on sidewalks, walkways or similar pathways as per Tennessee ordinance #55-8-101(37).   Vehicles (such as motorized wheelchairs) providing handicap accessibility are exempt from enforcement of this law if their use is coordinated and approved through the Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department (EAD).

For additional information about the policy, please contact the office of Traffic and Parking at 615/322-2554 or

Contact:   Lance Hale, Administrative Director of Traffic & Parking