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Meet The New InnerVU

Posted by on Sunday, August 28, 2011 in Archives, News.

Meet The New InnerVU

Clay A. Cline, Editor

The staff of InnerVU would like to welcome you back to campus for the 2011-2012 academic year. InnerVU has undergone some significant changes over the summer, changes that we hope will make the publication more user-friendly and more useful to you, our readers.

InnerVU has been around for at least 20 years, and last year marked the beginning of the digital era for InnerVU, as the publication transitioned from a weekly printed publication to a weekly digital newsletter. That evolution has continued this year as we moved from a pdf-based newsletter-on-the-web, to a new website format powered by WordPress.

We listened to you, our readers. At the end of last year we conducted a survey to gauge student opinions of InnerVU. We incorporated your feedback when designing the new site, and we look forward to your continued feedback. One of the biggest advantages of the new format is improved readability and ease of use; whether on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. The new format allows us to better incorporate images and even video, while having more stories/ads/articles, and allowing readers to easily find stories by category or by searching.. Additionally, you can jump to specific stories directly from your email.

We are excited about the evolution of InnerVU and hope that you will be too. In addition to the functional improvements already mentioned, these changes have also resulted in savings of over $25,000 per year and almost 400,000 pieces of paper per year (or approximately 50 trees).   We thank you for your interest in InnerVU and welcome your continued feedback.

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