Note for Graduating Seniors from Student Health
Apr. 17, 2017—Schedule Appointments before Thur., Jun. 15, 2017!
Residential Education Outstanding RA and HR of the Month
Apr. 17, 2017—Congratulations to RA Anjuli Young and HR Gabi Grys!
Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Apr. 17, 2017—American Modernism at Mid-Century: The Work of Morris Davidson will be on view Fri., Apr. 28 to Sun., Sept. 17, 2017.
Final spring open forum on mental health, well-being to be held Wed., Apr. 12
Apr. 10, 2017—Staff, faculty, undergraduates and graduate and professional students are invited to share their thoughts at a town hall-style listening session Wed., Apr. 12, focusing on how the university can create a holistic and inclusive approach to supporting mental health and well-being at Vanderbilt.
Lavender Celebration
Apr. 10, 2017—The Lavender Celebration will be held on Wed., Apr. 19!
Vanderbilt Center for Student Wellbeing
Apr. 10, 2017—The last guided meditation with Dean Beasley this semester will be held on Wed., Apr. 12!
World on Wednesdays
Apr. 10, 2017—Last WoW this semester on "Religious Pluralism in the United States Capital" will be held on Wed., Apr. 12!
The Leadership Studio
Apr. 10, 2017—The very last Leadership Studio session this semester will be held on Tue., Apr. 11!
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Apr. 10, 2017—April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. There are still plenty of opportunities to participate in events organized by the Project Safe Center!
Student Leader of the Month: April 2017
Apr. 10, 2017—The Office of Student Leadership Development is pleased to announce April’s Student Leader of the Month, Hunter Savage, who was nominated by the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center.