October, 2017
Boo to the Flu
Oct. 23, 2017—Just come to the Vanderbilt Student Health Center on Tue., Oct. 24 to get your flu shot at no charge!
Vanderbilt Center for Student Wellbeing
Oct. 23, 2017—Attend "Financial Stress & Wellbeing" on Thur., Oct. 26 to identify connections between mental and financial wellbeing, assess personal relationships with money and how that impacts financial behaviors, and become more knowledgeable about establishing personal financial goals.
Inclusion Initiatives & Cultural Competence Signature Trainings
Oct. 23, 2017—Want to develop a shared vocabulary for intercultural communication and start the critical work of reflecting on identity through intentional dialogue and engaging activities? RSVP for "Training 1.0: Exploring Cultural Competency"!
Vandy Leads
Oct. 23, 2017—If you are an undergraduate student and have an experience of leadership development you’d like to share, look no further!
FLiCX: Chavela
Oct. 23, 2017—"Chavela" is a captivating look at the unconventional life of beloved performer Chavela Vargas, whose passionate renditions of Mexican popular music and triumphant return to the stage late in life brought her international fame.
Project Safe Events for Oct. 23 – Oct. 27
Oct. 23, 2017—Project Safe is excited to bring you some really awesome programs for Domestic Violence Awareness Month!
Vanderbilt Soccer Game Thursday (Vanderbilt Athletics)
Oct. 23, 2017—Join Vanderbilt Athletics at the Vanderbilt Soccer Complex on Thur., Oct. 26 for Fan Appreciation Night!
Oct. 23, 2017—Interested in attending TEDxVanderbiltUniversity? This year's event is less than a month away on Sun., Nov. 12!
Masculinities Series: Thoughts on Faith
Oct. 23, 2017—Come have lunch and discuss how masculinity can be influenced by spirituality or religion in different aspects of life including worship, dating, and perception of masculinity.
Kitchen Table Series: Feminism and Religion
Oct. 23, 2017—Join the Women's Center on Wed., Oct. 25 for a discussion of the role feminism plays in religion and vice versa as we delve into the complex relationship between the two forces.