September, 2014
Leaders Heart Lunch
Sep. 22, 2014—The first lunch is fast approaching, fill out an "Intend To Attend" form now!
The Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship
Sep. 22, 2014—Graduating seniors this Wednesday, September 24th at 4pm there will be a Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship information session. Come and learn about this exciting opportunity.
The McGill Project
Sep. 22, 2014—This McGill Project presentation is co-sponsored by Project Safe. Come by and see if you are "D.T.F.? - A McGill Hour with Project Safe".
Sep. 22, 2014—Flulapalooza will be held in the Medical Center Plaza by Light Hall and there will be free flu vaccinations for faculty, staff and students on Oct 1 from 6a.m. to 6p.m. with their ID badge.
Leaders Heart Lunch
Sep. 15, 2014—Our first lunch is September 30th. Make sure you fill out an "intent to attend" form and join us for lunch!
Blair School of Music Concert Series
Sep. 15, 2014—The first concert of the Fall 2014 season is coming up!
The Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship
Sep. 15, 2014—All graduating seniors: this Thursday come to an information session on The Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship.
World on Wednesdays
Sep. 15, 2014—Come check out this weeks presentation: "A Brief Introduction to Chinese Philosophers and Religion", this Wednesday in the Student Life Center.
International Lens
Sep. 15, 2014—This week we will be showing two international films, "A Touch of Sin" on Wednesday and "Open Your Eyes" on Thursday. Come by Sarratt Cinema and see these powerful films!
The McGill Project
Sep. 15, 2014—This McGill Hour will feature Professor David Weintraub. The topic is, "Religion and Extraterrestrial Life: How Will We Deal With It?". We hope to see you there!