September, 2014
McTyeire Fireside Chat
Sep. 29, 2014—This week's Fireside Chat will be this Thursday, Oct. 2nd in the McTyeire Fireside Lounge. This week's event features Associate Professor of German, Christoph Zeller.
Leaders Heart Lunch
Sep. 29, 2014—The next Leaders Heart Lunch is Monday, Oct. 6th and features Tom Ward, President and CEO of Oasis Center. Please fill out the "Intent to Attend" form if you are interested in going!
World on Wednesdays
Sep. 29, 2014—This Wednesday WOW presents "Reflections on Global Service: Guests, Intruders, Advocates, and Community", this discussion will be led by the OACS Staff and Students.
International Lens Film Series
Sep. 29, 2014—This week's International Lens Film Series will feature "The Great Beauty" on Tuesday, Sept. 30 and "The Best Things in the World" on Wednesday, Oct. 1. Both films will be screened in Sarratt Cinema.
National Coming Out Week
Sep. 29, 2014—NCOW is from Wednesday, Oct. 1st through Saturday, Oct. 11th. This year's theme is "You Do You," click to find out more information!
Sep. 29, 2014—This Wednesday is the annual Flulapalooza! Come by the tent between Light Hall and the VA anytime from 6am to 6pm for your free flu vaccination.
The Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship
Sep. 29, 2014—Attention seniors: Tomorrow, Oct 2nd, in 308 Sarratt/Rand is an information session on this travel fellowship.
McTyeire Fireside Chat
Sep. 22, 2014—The next McTyeire Fireside Chat is "The End of Collecting in the Digital Age", featuring Christoph Zeller, Associate Professor of German. This event will take place Thursday, Oct. 2nd at 7pm in McTyeire's Fireside Lounge.
Fourth Friday
Sep. 22, 2014—The first Fourth Friday of the year will be this Friday in Rand Lounge at 8pm. Come on by and enjoy the musical stylings of the Melodores.
World on Wednesdays
Sep. 22, 2014—Come to World on Wednesdays! This week's topic is "Connecting Multicultural Populations with Disability Resources" and features Alexander Santana from The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center.