Summer Projects

The summer service project is an opportunity for Scholars to challenge their assumptions, reflect on their own understanding of service, and develop intercultural competencies by partnering with a community organization for eight weeks during the summer following their sophomore year.

During the academic year, sophomore Scholars completing a summer service project must attend all of the monthly Summer Project workshops, seminars, and retreats, and submit comprehensive written proposals that outline the scope and objectives of their respective work.


Recent Summer Projects

Sharmila Adapa

Cycling Without Age - Copenhagen, Denmark

Increasing mobility for senior citizens through bike rides around cities.

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Brinda Ambal

Bhumi - Chennai, India

Supporting private school tuition scholarships to students from low-income families through a mentorship with Bring Smiles.

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Max Coppola

Graham Windham - New York, NY

Addressing the needs of youth within the foster care system in New York City. 

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Jamie Danis

The Nashville Food Project - Nashville, TN

Enhancing community garden access for New Americans. 

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Tanya Das

Aamara Biswas - Sambalpur, India

Providing business and computer training to help women living in underprivileged communities achieve financial independence.

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Patrick Dobranowski

Smart Savannahs - South Africa 

Technology based wildlife preservation in South Africa.

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Elanil Erdugrul

Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii - Honolulu, Hawaii 

Improving responses to environmentally threatened areas by creating a comprehensive database containing cultural, historical, and environmental information about significant places in Oahu. 

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Aryan Garg

EduTech Refuge - Kakuma, Kenya 

Establishing a computer lab for the Kakuma region and creating an online training system for its residents. 

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Shree Kodavatiganti

Namma Mysore Foundation -  Karnataka, India

Supporting cultural preservation and environmental awareness initiatives by utilizing project management skills. 

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Aaron Li

Building Beats - Brooklyn NY

Connecting underserved students to music education through the creation of a student-friendly course portal. 

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