Vanderbilt Resources
Center for Student Wellbeing (615) 322-0480
Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services (615) 322–4705
Liaisons Educating & Advocating for Psychological Support (LEAPS)
Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center (615) 322-4843
Office of Housing and Residential Education (615) 322-2591
Office for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Life (615) 322-3330
Office of the University Chaplain & Religious Life (615) 322-2457
Project Safe Center (615) 322-SAFE (7233)
Office of Student Care Coordination (615)-343-9355
University Counseling Center (615) 322-2571
Student Health Services (615) 322-2427
Vanderbilt Medical Center Eating Disorder Program (615) 936-2447