Some majors, minors, programs of study, and classes are pre-approved immersive experiences or culminating projects.
These programs of study fulfill Immersion Vanderbilt requirements:
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Tagged classes can be used to complete part or all of Immersion Vanderbilt.
These classes provide students with hands on, active learning opportunities where the student learns through the acts of doing and reflection. Courses that include direct or indirect community or civic engagement or methodological training for research or production are examples.
These classes offer students the opportunity to integrate and apply their learning to the creation of a culminating project. Projects may include but are not limited to poster presentations, blogs, academic papers, artistic pieces, prototypes, podcasts, etc. Only classes taught by an instructor with a faculty appointment may be tagged as a culminating project class.
The instructor determines whether the student is completing the experiential component, culminating component, or both. Only classes taught by an instructor with a faculty appointment may be tagged as a culminating project class.